Electronic Media Concerns and Guidelines
At the TRCCS and TRCVS, there is a conscious intention and effort to provide an educational environment that nurtures the imagination and healthy development of every child. Because electronic media exposure tends to work at cross-purposes to this intention and effort, teachers need the support of parents in restricting media use in the home. As a virtual school, we attempt to utilize minimal apps, and focus our teaching through live, interactive Zoom session with a licensed teacher. It is important to use that this method of teaching is in place to solidify real relationships between students, teachers and families.
For these reasons, we request that in Pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade parents limit or remove children’s exposure to electronic media. In order to support the work of the teachers to create and maintain an environment that cultivates imagination, wonder and beauty, we ask that you make the necessary changes in your household(s). TRCVS’s definition of electronic media includes all electronic screen and voice technology devices: TV, videos/DVD, movies, video games, computers, cell phones, etc. that are used outside of scheduled virtual class time.
We ask that any exposure to electronic media with children in grades 4th and above be limited and mostly on the weekends. Attention to content is particularly important if use is allowed. We ask that parents of these older students work in partnership with us to limit exposure to electronic media in ways that protect them from its negative influences while also encouraging their increasing capacities for discernment, critical thinking, and self-discipline (i.e., media literacy).
We recognize that restricting electronic media use in the home requires a commitment to a family lifestyle that runs counter to our mainstream culture (especially as your child is enrolled in a virtual program). We also recognize that protecting children from media exposure is especially challenging in homes where older siblings are present, and when a child lives in more than one household. A wholehearted effort to thoughtfully protect children from media exposure can only be successful when we educate ourselves about the effects of electronic media on children, and then exercise continual determination to go “against the grain” in order to do what we believe is most healthy for them. We ask that every parent join us in this challenging, but so very important, commitment.
It is important that new families understand how we must work together to create this Waldorf-inspired environment for all of our students.